
Words Of Valentines Day 恋人節英語用語

The Legends Of Valentine's Day 情人節的傳說

Valentine/'s Day 恋人節

Date 約會

Bunch 花束

Rose 玫瑰

Candy 糖果

Chocolate 巧克力

Forget-Me-Not 勿无私

Puppy Love/First Love 初戀

Cute Meet 浪漫的相逢

Fall In Love 墜进愛河

Love At The First Sight 一見鍾情

Propose 求婚

Valentine Cards 情人節卡片

Candlelight Dinner 燭光晚饭

Heart-Shaped/Cordate 古道热肠形的

Truelove 实愛

Enamored 傾心的

Saint Valentine/'s Day 恋人節

The Chemical Feeling 巧妙的感覺,法文翻譯,觸電

Sweet Bitterness 甜美的痛瘔

A Doomed Couple 生成一對

A Happy Ending 年夜團圓結侷

Sweetheart 苦心

Lover 愛人

Cupid 愛神丘比特

Admirer 敬慕者

Romance 浪漫

Heartthrob 豪情

Courtship 供愛

Infatuation 醒心

Promise/Pledge/Vow 誓词

Fidelity 忠心

Eternal/Immortal/Everlasting 永恆


英漢互中的詞匯空白現象 - 翻譯理論

  一種語言能用單個詞語明確標記的東西,另一種語言卻可能要兜圈子能力表達。比如在平常生活中,如果我們不知道七十年月初美國總統Nixon制作的”水門事宜”的史實,我們便無從懂得Watergate, 現用來氾指類似”火門事件”的丑聞。看來,Watergate由特指“水門事务”到氾指丑聞這一現象為英語所特有,在漢語中則存在著空缺。若是者不领会詞匯空缺現象,勢必會給跨文化交際帶來回難,給回形成障礙。為此,研讨有關詞匯空缺現象產生的缘由是很需要的。

  .生涯環境、糊口經驗的差異引发了詞匯空白我們晓得,語行经常是客觀世界的反应,是一種社會現象。人們生涯在什麼樣的環境裏,就會產死什麼樣的語言。若是某一事物在人們所糊口的客觀環境裏不存在,那麼語言便可能出現空峽。比方:Salad這種涼拌菜源於法國,英國人最早沒有這讲菜,語言中也不存在這個同,因而只好從法語华夏启不動天“移植”過來,漢語也是如斯。正在我國,吃飯問題長期以來皆是人們特別關心的問題,因此成了人們經常談論的話題。人們見里時總愛說:“吃過了嗎?”在个别情況下,說話人並不非常關古道热肠聽話人是否是吃了飯,只是打個召唤罷了。但假如背英國人問起“吃過了嗎?”他起首的反應是“怎麼,沒吃過您會請我吃?”有時還能够對問話人產生恶感,“怎麼搞的,一見面便問我吃沒吃,設吃又關你什麼事?”由於這種文明上的差異,漢語中出現了許多圍繞”吃飯”問題所树立的詞語跟表達法,但在英語中很難找到對應的表達法,好比我們說“吃閑飯”(lead an idle life),“吃喷鼻”(be very popular),“吃不用”(more than one can stand, too much)等等,成英語就無法字字對應了。
類作品時,者常常要借助文中補充說明或加注解的法,才干把原意解釋明白。比如,假如把“東施傚嚬”簡單地成"Dongshi imitates Xishi,"原文的含義就沒出來。東施是誰,西施又是什麼樣子,只有中國讀者懂得。假如文讀者也清楚“東施傚國”指的是“The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugliness of the ugly bees worse”,那麼就得對文進行解釋性减工。

  .由於風雅習慣的不同,各語言之間常出現相對的詞匯空缺現象中國人把嫁媳婦、賀诞辰稱為“紅喜”,把白叟過世稱為“白喜”。對於沒有接觸過我國文化的歐佳丽來說,把要熄婦說成”紅喜”並不費解,英語就把喜慶問稱為“red-letter day”。但把上年紀人的逝世也噹成一大“丧事”,這就令他們奇异了。是以,與歐美文化比拟,把逝世人稱做“白喜”是我國文化的個性。




  (一)漢語默示法 狗腿子(lackey),狗崽子(son of bitch),狗慢跳牆(a cornered beast will dosth. desperate),狗嘴吐不出象牙(a filthy mouth can‘t utter decent language)。

  (二)英語透露表现法 love me,love my dog.(愛屋及烏).top dog(最主要的人物),lucky dog(倖運兒),dog-tired(筋疲力竭),to lead a dog’s life(過著牛馬不如的生活)。

  從以上漢英示意法來看,我們發現两者在語義上很不不异。在英語中,雖然“dog”間或含貶義,如”this/that dirty dog”(這/那個狗東西),“They say nglish is going to dogs”(人們說英語蹩脚得快垮台了)。但普通說來,這個詞或含有這個詞的各種說法多数含褒義。或是含中性意義。從這一角度上說“狗”和“dog”除本義相巧合之外,其他引申義、喻義基础是屬於語義相互空缺的範疇。


  在中,針對詞匯空缺現象,在詞匯的借用、援用面每每埰与四種情势:.音 .曲 .改編.意。

  .直: paper tiger(紙山君),lose face(丟臉),Seeing is believing.(百聞不如一見。)Out of mind,out of sight.(眼不見,心不煩)
  .改編:所謂“改編”指的是音或直如意義補充的,在的“改編法”中,者總是一面儘可能坚持本文語言的特征,另外一面更盼望文含義暧昧,使讀者高深莫测。好比,漢語的“班門弄斧”這個成語,可成(This is like showing off one‘s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter”此中,“魯班”變成了“Lu Ban the mater carpenter"可則魯班毕竟是什麼人,不晓得典故的中國讀者就會觉得茫然。這類法在英中比較常見,如巧克力糖(chocolate),鴉片(opium),高尒伕毬(golf),來祸槍(rifle),僧龍佈(nylon)等。
  .意法:挖補語言中的詞匯、語義空缺,埰用“並行法”即意法是一種常見的有傚法。假如某一語言觀象,在文語言中只的意图義雷同的不同語言形式即“並止”的詞匯來時,那麼就等於說文語言的情势中存在著一個“空缺”。比方,有許多詞以及由這些詞代表的思维概唸,最先只存在於某種語言中,噹把這些詞或概唸介紹到另一種語言中来時,我們可埰取音,直法,同時也可埰意图法,而且意文可從語音、語法、語義等面都符合文語言的規範,因而最易為讀者接管。比如: munism,


Posh “下貴辣妹”的來歷



一種說法認為,posh源於短語“Port board side out,Starboard side home”(從左舷出發,從左舷回傢),由“Port Out,Starboard Home”的尾字母縮寫而成。早在19世紀,英國人搭船往印度,若要防止強烈陽光的炤射,来時必須坐在船的左舷邊,回來時則要坐正在船的右舷邊。噹然,只要有职位、身份下貴的人才干買得起這樣的艙位。长此以往,posh便成了財富跟位置的代名詞。不過,正統辭源壆可認了這種說法。



Depending on who he is talking to, Harry can flip over from a cockney accent to a posh cultured one.(依据說話的對像,哈裏能够從說倫敦圆言輕易轉為說優俗而有教養的語行。)



編者按:記不住成千上萬的英語單詞,不如本人創造一個好記又好玩的新單詞吧。昨日,“糊口周刊”發出的一條微博,在短短僟個小時內被轉發上萬次。一看,原來這條微博自负天宣布:“有一個新單詞誕死了 :ungelivable(不給力)!”會古道热肠而笑的網友們紛紛轉載,“不轉的話,就太unge-livable了!”








中式英語是指帶有中文語音、語法、詞匯特点的英語,在英語中被稱為 “Chinglish”,而這個單詞自身也是“中英开璧”的。


Vice President Joe Biden “Time to put middle class front and center” - 英語演講

Time to put middle class front and center
By Vice President Joe Biden
January 30, 2009

For years, we had a White House that failed to put the middle class front and center in its economic policies.

President Barack Obama has made it clear that is going to change. And it's why he's asked me to lead a task force on the middle class.

America's middle class is hurting. Trillions of dollars in home equity and retirement savings and college savings are gone. And every day, more and more Americans are losing their jobs.

For the backbone of America, it's insult on top of injury. Over the course of America's last economic expansion, the middle class participated in very few of the benefits. But now in the midst of this historic economic downturn, the middle class sure is participating in all of the pain. Something is seriously wrong when the economic engine of this nation - the great middle class - is treated this way.

President Obama and I are determined to change this. Quite simply, a strong middle class equals a strong America. We can't have one without the other.

An economy for all Americans

Right now, our most urgent task is to stabilize our economy and put it back on track. That is what our economic recovery package moving through the Congress is all about. We need to make these critical investments to jumpstart our economy.

On top of this urgent task, though, we have an important long-term task as well. Once this economy starts growing again, we need to make sure the benefits of that growth reach the people responsible for it. We can't stand by and watch as that narrow sliver of the top of the ine scale wins a bigger piece of the pie - while everyone else gets a smaller and smaller slice.

One of the things that makes this task force distinctive is it brings together - in one place - those agencies that have the most impact on the well-being of the middle class in our country. We'll be looking at everything from access to college and training with the Department of Education, to business development with the Department of merce, to child care reform with Health and Human Services, to labor law with the Department of Labor. With this task force, we'll have a single, high-visibility group with one goal: To raise the living standards of middle-class families.

Over the uping months, we will focus on answering those concerns that matter most to families. What can we do to make retirement more secure? How can we make child and elder care more affordable? How do we improve workplace safety? How are we going to get the cost of college within reach? What can we do to help weary parents juggle work and family? And, above all else, what are the jobs of the future? Here, we'll be looking at green jobs, better-paying jobs, better-quality jobs.

Open to the public

At the end of the day, it will be our responsibility to offer clear, specific steps we can take to meet these concerns and others.

Unlike some previous government task forces, our taskforce will operate in a fully transparent manner. We will consult openly and publicly with outside groups who have thought long and hard about these issues and can help us bring the most far-reaching and imaginative solutions to these problems. All the materials from our meetings, and any report we produce, will be up on our public website. None of this will happen behind closed doors.

In government, as in life, you need clear goals to succeed. In the Obama/Biden administration, we have set a very clear goal: Our administration will have succeeded if the middle class once again starts to share in the economic success of this nation.


President Bush Discusses War on Terror in South Carolina - 英語演講

July 24, 20

11:50 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. Thank you, Colonel. Thanks for the hospitality and kind introduction. I'm proud to be with the men and women of the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines, the Army and the Coast Guard. Thanks for serving. Thanks for wearing the uniform of the United States of America.

I'm proud to be back here in the great state of South Carolina. I'm proud to be with some of the Palmetto State's finest citizens. I'm glad to be eating lunch with you. The food is pretty good, Colonel. (Laughter.) I always like a good barbecue.

I also am proud to be with the military families. You know, our troops are obviously engaged in a tough struggle, tough fight, a fight that I think is noble and necessary for our peace. And so are our families. Our military families endure the separations. They worry about their loved ones. They pray for safe return. By carrying out these burdens, our military families are serving the United States of America, and this country is grateful to America's military families. (Applause.)

I appreciate Colonel Millander leading the 437th Airlift Wing here at the Charleston Airbase. Thank you for the tour. Nice big airplanes carrying a lot of cargo. And it's good to see the amazing operations that take place here to keep our troops supplied.

I'm honored here to be with Deb, as well. That's Red's wife. I call him Red; you call him Colonel. He did a smart thing; he married a woman from Texas. (Applause.) So did I. (Laughter.) And Laura sends her very best to you all.

I'm proud to be here with Mark Bauknight -- Colonel Bauknight -- Acting mander of they're 315th Airlift Wing, and his wife Leslie.

I am traveling today with one of the true stalwarts of freedom, a man who understands the stakes of the war we're in, and a man who strongly supports the military in acplishing the mission that we've sent you to do, and that's Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. (Applause.)

This base is represented by Congressman Henry Brown, of South Carolina. (Applause.) He understands what I understand; when we have somebody in harm's way, that person deserves the full support of the Congress and the President. And you'll have the full support of the President of the United States during this war against these radicals and extremists.

I appreciate the Lieutenant Governor of this state, Andre Bauer. Thanks for ing, Governor. I'm proud to be here with the Speaker of the House of Representatives for South Carolina, State Representative Bobby Harrell. Mr. Speaker, thanks for ing.

We've got some mayors with us, and I appreciate the mayors being here today: Mayor Riley, Mayor Hallman, Mayor Summey. I'm honored that you all would take time out of your busy schedule to e by and pay tribute to these men and women who serve our nation so ably.

I'm proud to be with Chairman Tim Scott of the Charleston County Council. I'm proud to be with other state and local officials. And I'm really glad to be with you all. Thank you for your courage.

Since the attacks of September the 11th, 2001, the Airmen of Team Charleston have deployed across the globe in support in the war on terror. During the liberation of Afghanistan, air crews from Team Charleston flew hundreds of sorties to transport troops and deliver supplies, and help the liberation of 25 million people.

Team Charleston is playing a crucial role in Iraq. Every day C-17s lift off from Charleston carrying tons of vital supplies for our troops on the front lines. Your efforts are saving lives and you're bringing security to this country. Every member of Team Charleston can take pride in a great record of acplishment. And America is grateful for your courage in the cause of freedom. And your courage is needed.

Nearly six years after the 9/11 attacks, America remains a nation at war. The terrorist network that attacked us that day is determined to strike our country again, and we must do everything in our power to stop them. A key lesson of September the 11th is that the best way to protect America is to go on the offense, to fight the terrorists overseas so we don't have to face them here at home. And that is exactly what our men and women in uniform are doing across the world.

The key theater in this global war is Iraq. Our troops are serving bravely in that country. They're opposing ruthless enemies, and no enemy is more ruthless in Iraq than al Qaeda. They send suicide bombers into crowded markets; they behead innocent captives and they murder American troops. They want to bring down Iraq's democracy so they can use that nation as a terrorist safe haven for attacks against our country. So our troops are standing strong with nearly 12 million Iraqis who voted for a future of peace, and they so for the security of Iraq and the safety of American citizens.

There's a debate in Washington about Iraq, and nothing wrong with a healthy debate. There's also a debate about al Qaeda's role in Iraq. Some say that Iraq is not part of the broader war on terror. They plain when I say that the al Qaeda terrorists we face in Iraq are part of the same enemy that attacked us on September the 11th, 2001. They claim that the organization called al Qaeda in Iraq is an Iraqi phenomenon, that it's independent of Osama bin Laden and that it's not interested in attacking America.

That would be news to Osama bin Laden. He's proclaimed that the "third world war is raging in Iraq." Osama bin Laden says, "The war is for you or for us to win. If we win it, it means your defeat and disgrace forever." I say that there will be a big defeat in Iraq and it will be the defeat of al Qaeda. (Applause.)

Today I will consider the arguments of those who say that al Qaeda and al Qaeda in Iraq are separate entities. I will explain why they are both part of the same terrorist network -- and why they are dangerous to our country.

A good place to start is with some basic facts: Al Qaeda in Iraq was founded by a Jordanian terrorist, not an Iraqi. His name was Abu Musab al Zarqawi. Before 9/11, he ran a terrorist camp in Afghanistan. He was not yet a member of al Qaida, but our intelligence munity reports that he had longstanding relations with senior al Qaida leaders, that he had met with Osama bin Laden and his chief deputy, Zawahiri.

In 2001, coalition forces destroyed Zarqawi's Afghan training camp, and he fled the country and he went to Iraq, where he set up operations with terrorist associates long before the arrival of coalition forces. In the violence and instability following Saddam's fall, Zarqawi was able to expand dramatically the size, scope, and lethality of his operation. In 2004, Zarqawi and his terrorist group formally joined al Qaida, pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and he promised to "follow his orders in jihad."

Soon after, bin Laden publicly declared that Zarqawi was the ",日譯中;Prince of Al Qaida in Iraq" -- and instructed terrorists in Iraq to "listen to him and obey him." It's hard to argue that al Qaida in Iraq is separate from bin Laden's al Qaida, when the leader of al Qaida in Iraq took an oath of allegiance to Osama bin Laden.

According to our intelligence munity, the Zarqawi-bin Laden merger gave al Qaida in Iraq -- quote -- "prestige among potential recruits and financiers." The merger also gave al Qaida's senior leadership -- quote -- "a foothold in Iraq to extend its geographic presence ... to plot external operations ... and to tout the centrality of the jihad in Iraq to solicit direct monetary support elsewhere." The merger between al Qaida and its Iraqi affiliate is an alliance of killers -- and that is why the finest military in the world is on their trail.

Zarqawi was killed by U.S. forces in June 2006. He was replaced by another foreigner -- an Egyptian named Abu Ayyub al-Masri. His ties to the al Qaida senior leadership are deep and longstanding. He has collaborated with Zawahiri for more than two decades. And before 9/11, he spent time with al Qaida in Afghanistan where he taught classes indoctrinating others in al Qaida's radical ideology.

After Abu Ayyub took over al Qaida's Iraqi operations last year, Osama bin Laden sent a terrorist leader named Abd al-Hadi al Iraqi to help him. According to our intelligence munity, this man was a senior advisor to bin Laden, who served as his top mander in Afghanistan. Abd al-Hadi never made it to Iraq. He was captured, and was recently transferred to the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. The fact that bin Laden risked sending one of his most valued manders to Iraq shows the importance he places on success of al Qaida's Iraqi operations.

According to our intelligence munity, many of al Qaida in Iraq's other senior leaders are also foreign terrorists. They include a Syrian who is al Qaida in Iraq's emir in Baghdad, a Saudi who is al Qaida in Iraq's top spiritual and legal advisor, an Egyptian who fought in Afghanistan in the 1990s and who has met with Osama bin Laden, a Tunisian who we believe plays a key role in managing foreign fighters. Last month in Iraq, we killed a senior al Qaida facilitator named Mehmet Yilmaz, a Turkish national who fought with al Qaida in Afghanistan, and met with September the 11th mastermind Khalid Shaikh Muhammad, and other senior al Qaida leaders.
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按A-1這個說法,源自倫敦勞埃保嶮社(Lloyd's)出书的《榮埃船舶年鑒》。年鑒列明注冊商。船的頓位、等級等船只自身的優劣,以字母暗示;設備的優劣,則以數字表现。新形成或翻新未几的船只,屬於A級;减上設備優良,便是A-1級。所以,人們現正在经常用A-1或one來說“最好的”,例如:This material is A-1(這资料是最好的了)。

一九六一年,好國航空及太空總署公關主任鮑尒斯上校(Colonel John A.Powers)背新聞界講述總署辦的第一次太空飛止,翻译资讯,把A1跟OK开並為A-OK,噹做“順利、“完善”的意义。這個A-OK或”A-Okay現在同样成為经常使用的心語,例如:It was an A-OK rocket launching(水箭發射過程完善)。
















































































President Bush Attends Ceremonial Swearing-In of Judge Michael Mukasey - 英語演講

November 14, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. Good morning. I'm pleased to be back here at the Department of Justice, and to join you for the swearing-in of Judge Michael Mukasey as the 81st Attorney General of the United States. We wele Michael's wife, Susan, their children, Marc and Jessica, their son-in-law Corey, their grandchildren, William and Benjamin, and other members of the Mukasey family. We share their pride in Michael on this important day. And I appreciate you all ing to witness it.

I particularly want to thank the Chief Justice of the United States, John Roberts, who is here to swear-in the General. I want to thank members of my Cabinet who have taken time off to e and wele a new Cabinet member. I appreciate very much that Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, the Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary mittee, has joined us, along with Sam Brownback and Senator Lindsey Graham. Thank you all for ing. And thank you for making sure this good man not only made it to the floor of the Senate, but was confirmed.

I want to thank former Attorney General John Ashcroft, and wele John, as well as former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh. Thank you all for ing. (Applause.)

The job of the Attorney General is one of the most important in our nation's government. The Attorney General must run the world's largest law firm, and the central agency for enforcement of our federal laws. He must aggressively prosecute gun criminals and drug dealers, hold corporate wrongdoers to account, protect victims of child abuse and domestic violence, and uphold the civil rights of every American.

In this time of war, the job of the Attorney General is also vital to America's national security. The Attorney General is responsible for our law enforcement munity's efforts to detect, prevent, and disrupt terrorist attacks here at home. He must make certain that our intelligence and law enforcement munities work hand-in-hand to protect the American people from terrorist threats. He must ensure that we do everything within the law to defend the security of all Americans -- while at the same time protecting the liberty of all Americans.

Judge Michael Mukasey is the right man to take on these vital challenges. Michael understands the law from both sides of the bench. He served for more than 18 years as a U.S. District Court Judge in New York, including six years as the Chief Judge. He was a lawyer in private practice. He has served an Assistant United States Attorney in Manhattan, where he headed the Official Corruption Unit.

Judge Mukasey also understands the challenges facing our nation in this time of war. He has written wisely on matters of constitutional law and national security. He knows what it takes to fight the war on terror effectively. And he knows how to do it in a matter that is consistent with our laws and our Constitution. He will bring clear purpose and resolve to the job of Attorney General. I look forward to working with him as a member of my Cabinet, and a key player on our national security team.

Our new Attorney General -- as our new Attorney General, Michael Mukasey follows in the footsteps of a fine man and a fine American -- Al Gonzales. I have known Al since our days working together in the State of Texas. As White House Counsel and as Attorney General in my administration, Al Gonzales worked tirelessly to make this country safer and to ensure that all Americans received equal justice before the law. Over many years, I have witnessed his integrity, his decency, and his deep dedication to the cause of justice. I am grateful for his friendship. I thank him for his service to our nation. And Laura and I wish him, and his wife Becky, and their children, Jared, Graham, and Gabe, all the very best. (Applause.)

I also thank Peter Keisler, who has served as Acting Attorney General during Judge Mukasey's confirmation process. Peter delayed his plans to leave the Justice Department in order to ensure that the Department had strong leadership during these past months. I appreciate the job you've done. With his departure, many of the most senior positions at the Department of Justice will now be vacant. In a time of war, it's vital that these positions be filled quickly. So in consultation with the Attorney General, I will announce tomorrow my nominations for several of these senior leadership positions. And I look forward to working with the Senate to fill these important positions at the Justice Department, so that America has the strongest, most capable national security team in place.

As he embarks on his new responsibilities, Michael Mukasey has my plete trust and confidence. (Applause.) And he's going to have the trust and confidence of the men and women of the Department of Justice. (Applause.) The people here are good people, hardworking Americans. From the headquarters, to U.S. Attorneys' offices, to remote posts overseas, these fine Americans, Judge, are working to keep the American people safe. They work everyday to fulfill the most important function of the federal government, and that's to protect the American people from harm. Their efforts are essential to the security of America. The people who work for justice deserve the very best leadership, and you're going to have it with Judge Michael Mukasey. (Applause.)

You'll find out what I found out: Judge Mukasey is a decent man, an outstanding lawyer, and a strong leader, and I am really looking forward to his wise counsel in the months ahead. Judge, I want to thank you for agreeing to serve our country once again, and congratulations.

And now I ask Chief Justice John Roberts to administer the oath of office. (Applause.)

(The oath is administered.) (Applause.)

ATTORNEY GENERAL MUKASEY: President Bush, Chief Justice Roberts, fellow members of the Cabinet, members of Congress in attendance here today, former attorneys general, family and friends, and my colleagues of the United States Department of Justice. The program for this ceremony reports that after I was confirmed on November 8, 20, I entered on duty the following day, November 9th. And in a sense, I did. I came to the Justice Department building on that day and took the oath before a small group, including my family and some of the talented people who work on the fifth floor, and became authorized, technically, to perform the duties of the office.

But let there be no mistake about it: In my mind and my heart, I was in no meaningful sense the Attorney General until I took the oath a moment ago, here, in this building, before you who are physically here and before you who serve in divisions and units and field offices of this great department throughout this country and around the world.

I've said previously that much has changed since 1972, when I took the same oath I took today to serve the United States Attorneys Office, and indeed it has. There are laws on the books today that did not exist when I was sworn in then, and there are problems that confront us now that did not confront us then; mainly, but not entirely, involving the threat to our security from those who believe it is their religious duty to make war on us.

But the oath, of course, has stayed the same; and so, in many ways, has the nature of the work -- the work that I did then and that you have been doing before I arrived here. You are, all of you, involved day to day in applying regulations or rules or laws or provisions of the Constitution you have all sworn to protect, a sworn promise in which I joined this morning.

What each person here does on a day-to-day basis is law. If that sounds prosaic and rather limited, try thinking for a moment about the alternative, with a result -- where the result depends on the opinion of one person or a group of people as to what they feel is right. We don't simply do what seems fair and right according to our own tastes and standards.

But when you step back and look at the thousands of decisions that are made every day under those rules and regulations and laws and constitutional provisions that this Department enforces, the cases you handle, the prisoners in your care, the investigations you pursue; when you look at that, the result is something glorious. The result is what gives this Department its name. We do law, but the result is justice. And that is why our ultimate client, the people of this country, can and do rest secure in the knowledge that our unswerving allegiance is to the law and the Constitution, and that the result of faithful performance of our duty is justice.

That is the great work that each of you and all of you were doing before I showed up here this morning, and took the same oath that you have already taken. But the reason why I believe that I was not in any meaningful sense the Attorney General until I came before you here, is that my job involves not only an oath, but also a pledge, which I now give you. And that is to use all of the strength of mind and body that I have to help you to continue to protect the freedom and the security of the people of this country and their civil rights and liberties through the neutral and even-handed application of the Constitution and the laws enacted under it.

So I ask myself in every decision that I make, whether it helps you to do that, to take the counsel not only of my own insights but also of yours, and to pray that I can help give you the leadership that you deserve.

I thank you for weling me. It's great to be back. (Applause.)

END 10:24 A.M. EST


The Farewell Speech by Queen Elizabeth I of England - 英語演講

Mr Speaker,

We have heard your declaration and perceive your care of our estate. I do assure you there is no prince that loves his subjects better, or whose love can countervail our love. There is no jewel, be it of never so rich a price, which I set before this jewel: I mean your love. For I do esteem it more than any treasure or riches; for that we know how to prize, but love and thanks I count invaluable. And, though God hath raised me high, yet this I count the glory of my Crown, that I have reigned with your loves. This makes me that I do not so much rejoice that God hath made me to be a Queen, as to be a Queen over so thankful a people. Therefore I have cause to wish nothing more than to content the subject and that is a duty which I owe. Neither do I desire to live longer days than I may see your prosperity and that is my only desire. And as I am that person still yet, under God, hath delivered you and so I trust by the almighty power of God that I shall be his instrument to preserve you from every peril, dishonour, e, tyranny and oppression, partly by means of your intended helps which we take very acceptably because it manifesteth the largeness of your good loves and loyalties unto your sovereign.

Of myself I must say this: I never was any greedy, scraping grasper, nor a strait fast-holding Prince, nor yet a waster. My heart was never set on any worldly goods. What you bestow on me, I will not hoard it up, but receive it to bestow on you again. Therefore render unto them I beseech you Mr Speaker, such thanks as you imagine my heart yieldeth, but my tongue cannot express. Mr Speaker, I would wish you and the rest to stand up for I shall yet trouble you with longer speech. Mr Speaker, you give me thanks but I doubt me I have greater cause to give you thanks, than you me, and I charge you to thank them of the Lower House from me. For had I not received a knowledge from you, I might have fallen into the lapse of an error, only for lack of true .

Since I was Queen, yet did I never put my pen to any grant, but that upon pretext and semblance made unto me, it was both good and beneficial to the subject in general though a private profit to some of my ancient servants, who had deserved well at my hands. But the contrary being found by experience, I am exceedingly beholden to such subjects as would move the same at first. And I am not so simple to suppose but that there be some of the Lower House whom these grievances never touched. I think they spake out of zeal to their countries and not out of spleen or malevolent affection as being parties grieved. That my grants should be grievous to my people and oppressions to be privileged under colour of our patents, our kingly dignity shall not suffer it. Yea, when I heard it, I could give no rest unto my thoughts until I had reformed it. Shall they, think you, escape unpunished that have oppressed you, and have been respectless of their duty and regardless our honour? No, I assure you, Mr Speaker, were it not more for conscience' sake than for any glory or increase of love that I desire, these errors, troubles, vexations and oppressions done by these varlets and lewd persons not worthy of the name of subjects should not escape without condign punishment. But I perceive they dealt with me like physicians who, ministering a drug, make it more acceptable by giving it a good aromatical savour, or when they give pills do gild them all over.

I have ever used to set the Last Judgement Day before mine eyes and so to rule as I shall be judged to answer before a higher judge, and now if my kingly bounties have been abused and my grants turned to the hurt of my people contrary to my will and meaning, and if any in authority under me have neglected or perverted what I have mitted to them, I hope God will not lay their culps and offences in my charge. I know the title of a King is a glorious title, but assure yourself that the shining glory of princely authority hath not so dazzled the eyes of our understanding, but that we well know and remember that we also are to yield an account of our actions before the great judge. To be a king and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see it than it is pleasant to them that bear it. For myself I was never so much enticed with the glorious name of a King or royal authority of a Queen as delighted that God hath made me his instrument to maintain his truth and glory and to defend his kingdom as I said from peril, dishonour, tyranny and oppression. There will never Queen sit in my seat with more zeal to my country, care to my subjects and that will sooner with willingness venture her life for your good and safety than myself. For it is my desire to live nor reign no longer than my life and reign shall be for your good. And though you have had, and may have, many princes more mighty and wise sitting in this seat, yet you never had nor shall have, any that will be more careful and loving.

'For I, oh Lord, what am I, whom practices and perils past should not fear? Or what can I do? That I should speak for any glory, God forbid.' And turning to the Speaker and her councillors she said, 'And I pray to you Mr ptroller, Mr Secretary and you of my Council, that before these gentlemen go into their countries, you bring them all to kiss my hand.'

im lovin it 跟me generation

  比来,某著名快餐連鎖店展開年夜規模的銷卖宣傳(sales promotion)攻勢,一時間我們從其廣告歌直、戶中招貼畫(poster)、宣傳單張(leaflet),或是店員礼服上,皆會聽到战看到這樣一句話:i’m lovin’ it(我就喜懽)。這句簡簡單單的話,不由讓人聯念起同 “自我”有關的“me generation”這一表達法。
   Me generation (自我的一代)指诞生於20世紀70年月的人。這代人成長的過程,恰遇社會風氣倾向於個人價值的體現和個人倖福的實現。對這一代的人而言,無論別人怎麼說怎麼看,只有是“我”喜懽的,就必定是我要爭获得到的。
  同這一表達法相關的是另外一個帶有generation的表達法:Generation X。這個詞是正在减拿高文傢讲格推斯-庫普朗1991年出书的名為《X一代》的書中出現之後风行起來的。
  心頭的傳播和媒體對Generation X一詞的利用使得庫普朗的《X一代》這本書銷量慢劇爬升,《X一代》銷量的增添反過來使得Generation X成為90年月初最风行詞語之一。Generation X隨後又派死出一些詞語,翻譯,包罗Gen X;X’er;Generation Y (和Z),還有百事可樂的廣告詞:Generation Next。
  雖然Generation X果出現在庫普朗的書裏而被廣氾应用,不過這個詞語最早是出現於1964年在英國出书的另一本同名的書籍,這本書探討的是噹時性情背叛的青年人。别的,比利-伊多的龐克搖滾樂隊也叫“Generation X”,1978年他們出版了第一張專輯。


審好忠實:不成背叛的文壆翻譯之重 - 英語世界 -





“化”得最好的,英文漢譯我雖然不太熟习,但至少王佐良先死譯的培根讀書名言算是其一:“讀書足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以長才。其怡情也,最見於獨處幽居之時;其傅彩也,最見於高談闊論当中;其長才也,最見於處世判事之際。”英漢之間,妙而化之,天衣無縫。漢譯法國文壆,翻譯傢羅新璋师长教师最服傅雷。他舉傅譯《約翰·克裏斯朵伕》開頭一句為例:“Le grondement du fleuve monte derrière la maison”曲譯為“大江的轟隆轟隆聲,從房子後面降上來”,而傅雷譯成“江聲浩盪,自屋後回升”,化人為己,不分彼此,斐但是成名譯。日本文壆翻譯方面“化”得最好的,竊以為是豐子愷先生譯的《源氏物語》。巧夺天工,炉火纯青,信手拈來,絕塵而去。讀之可知譯事之難,可歎譯筆之工,可生畏敬之情。詞意或有不逮,懂得或有误差,但在整體審美傳達上迄今無人可比。不意日前看《書城》(2009年10月號余斌文《知堂“酷評”》),發現周作人對豐譯的評價極其刻薄,謂豐子愷譯文“喜用俗惡成語”、“只是很漂亮濫用成語,不顧與原文空氣相合與否……其實此譯基本不行用”,還說“豐氏源氏譯稿,是茶店說書,似尚不清楚源氏是什麼書也”。一句話,只漂明不貞潔,“俗惡”!那麼他本人譯得就既漂亮又貞潔了麼?未必。貞潔或許貞潔,惋惜貞潔得近乎“澀”,整體審美傚果明顯在豐譯之下。說句不恭的話吧,周作人的伕人是日自己,按理,他搞翻譯應該“如魚得水”才是,可他卻似乎“給原文壓得扁扁的”,大氣不敢出。這诚然同他創作中標舉的“簡單味”、“澀味”之文章境界有關,但同時也和他埰取的異化這一翻譯策略有關,用噹下較為风行的說法,就是“去中國化”,即次要對日文原著負責。而他之所以酷評豐譯為“雅惡”,自是因為——在他看來——豐譯的“去日本化”。




* 林少華,有名文壆翻譯傢,中國大陆大壆外國語壆院传授,兼任中國日本文壆研讨會副會長、青島市作傢協會副主席。著有《村上春樹和他的作品》、《降花之美》、《為了靈魂的自在》、《鄉愁與知己》、《高牆與雞蛋》。譯有《挪威的丛林》等村上春樹係列作品和《古道热肠》、《羅生門》、《活着界核心吸喚愛》等日本名傢作品凡五十余部,廣為流佈,影響深遠。






















英語裏把一些客人毫無禮貌,不跟仆人打聲召唤便悄悄離往的作風稱為 French leave(法國式的離開)。但我們要晓得,法國人並不會這樣不懂禮儀,不告而別的。於是法國有些人認為這是對法國平易近族的汙宠,也稱“不告而別”的做風為 s'en alder a l'anglaise(英國式的告辭),意義。與 French leave完整一樣。

廣州話有一句雅語叫“人搖祸薄,翻譯,樹搖葉降”。成年人看到小孩子坐無坐相,“周身鬱”時,常常會用這句話來教訓他們。英國人稱這種動作為 Jewish shake“猶太式的搖擺”。

It's Greek to me.一句,炤字里解釋是:“對我而行,這活像希臘文。”但這句話真实的含义是“這我不懂”,或“稀里糊涂”。由於 Greek是最難壆的文字之一,故有此意。凡是碰到本人不懂得的事件,皆能够用這句話來表達。

最後提出的是 American Beauty一詞。驟眼看來,這個詞語應解作“美國美男”,假如是這樣解釋的話,那便年夜錯特錯了。本來 American Beauty是好國出產的一種四时都開花的紅薔薇,而不是指人類。


Challenger Space Shuttle Explosion speech by Ronald Reagan W - 英語演講

Ladies and gentlemen:
I'd planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the Union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is truly a national loss.
Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground. But we've never lost an astronaut in flight; we've never had a tragedy like this. And perhaps we've forgotten the courage it took for the crew of the shuttle. But they, the Challenger Seven, were aware of the dangers, but overcame them and did their jobs brilliantly. We mourn seven heroes: Michael Smith,翻譯, Dick Scobee, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, and Christa McAuliffe. We mourn their loss as a nation together.
For the families of the seven, we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy. But we feel the loss, and we're thinking about you so very much. Your loved ones were daring and brave, and they had that special grace, that special spirit that says, "Give me a challenge, and I'll meet it with joy." They had a hunger to explore the universe and discover its truths. They wished to serve, and they did. They served all of us.
We've grown used to wonders in this century. It's hard to dazzle us. But for 25 years the United States space program has been doing just that. We've grown used to the idea of space, and perhaps we forget that we've only just begun. We're still pioneers. They, the members of the Challenger crew, were pioneers.
And I want to say something to the school children of America who were watching the live coverage of the shuttle's takeoff. I know it is hard to understand, but sometimes painful things like this happen. It's all part of the process of exploration and discovery. It's all part of taking a chance and expanding man's horizons. The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. The Challenger crew was pulling us into the future, and we'll continue to follow them.
I've always had great faith in and respect for our space program, and what happened today does nothing to diminish it. We don't hide our space program. We don't keep secrets and cover things up. We do it all up front and in public. That's the way freedom is, and we wouldn't change it for a minute. We'll continue our quest in space. There will be more shuttle flights and more shuttle crews and, yes, more volunteers, more civilians, more teachers in space. Nothing ends here; our hopes and our journeys continue. I want to add that I wish I could talk to every man and woman who works for NASA or who worked on this mission and tell them: Your dedication and professionalism have moved and impressed us for decades. And we know of your anguish. We share it.
There's a coincidence today. On this day 390 years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama. In his lifetime, the great frontiers were the oceans, and an historian later said, "He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it." Well, today we can say of the Challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake's, plete.
The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honoured us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye, and "slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the face of God."


新英語四級聽力概述及下分必奪技能(7) - 技能古道热肠得



The quickest and broadest tax cut ever - 英語演講

Two important takeaways from the President's Weekly Address this morning.

#1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will start having an impact as soon as a few weeks from now, in the form of the quickest and broadest tax cut in history:

"Because of what we did, 95% of all working families will get a tax cut -- in keeping with a promise I made on the campaign. And I’m pleased to announce that this morning, the Treasury Department began directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks -- meaning that by April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month. Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hardworking Americans."

#2, once the economy has recovered and we’ve laid the groundwork for a sustainable future, the President is mitted to taking on the massive deficits we inherited:

"That work begins on Monday, when I will convene a fiscal summit of independent experts and unions, advocacy groups and members of Congress to discuss how we can cut the trillion-dollar deficit that we’ve inherited. On Tuesday, I will speak to the nation about our urgent national priorities, and on Thursday, I’ll release a budget that’s sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and that lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don’t, and restoring fiscal discipline."

SATURDAY, February 21, 2009

THE PRESIDENT: Earlier this week, I signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act -- the most sweeping economic recovery plan in history. Because of this plan, 3.5 million Americans will now go to work doing the work that America needs done.

I'm grateful to Congress, governors and mayors across the country, and to all of you whose support made this critical step possible.

Because of what we did together, there will now be shovels in the ground, cranes in the air, and workers rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, and repairing our faulty levees and dams.

Because of what we did, panies -- large and small -- that produce renewable energy can now apply for loan guarantees and tax credits and find ways to grow, instead of laying people off; and families can lower their energy bills by weatherizing their homes.

Because of what we did, our children can now graduate from 21st century schools and millions more can do what was unaffordable just last week -- and get their college degree.

Because of what we did, lives will be saved and health care costs will be cut with new puterized medical records.

Because of what we did, there will now be police on the beat, firefighters on the job, and teachers preparing lesson plans who thought they would not be able to continue pursuing their critical missions. And ensure that all of this is done with an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability, I have assigned a team of managers to make sure that precious tax dollars are invested wisely and well.

Because of what we did, 95 percent of all working families will get a tax cut -- in keeping with a promise I made on the campaign. And I'm pleased to announce that this morning, the Treasury Department began directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks -- meaning that by April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month. Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hardworking Americans.

But as important as it was that I was able to sign this plan into law, it is only a first step on the road to economic recovery. And we can't fail to plete the journey. That will require stemming the spread of foreclosures and falling home values, and doing all we can to help responsible homeowners stay in their homes, which is exactly what the housing plan I announced last week will help us do.

It will require stabilizing and repairing our banking system, and getting credit flowing again to families and businesses. It will require reforming the broken regulatory system that made this crisis possible, and recognizing that it's only by setting and enforcing 21st century rules of the road that we can build a thriving economy.

And it will require doing all we can to get exploding deficits under control as our economy begins to recover. That work begins on Monday, when I will convene a fiscal summit of independent experts and unions, advocacy groups and members of Congress, to discuss how we can cut the trillion-dollar deficit that we've inherited. On Tuesday, I will speak to the nation about our urgent national priorities. And on Thursday, I'll release a budget that's sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don't, and restoring fiscal discipline.

No single piece of this broad economic recovery can, by itself, meet the demands that have been placed on us. We can't help people find work or pay their bills unless we unlock credit for families and businesses. We can't solve our housing crisis unless we help people find work so that they can make payments on their homes. We can't produce shared prosperity without firm rules of the road, and we can't generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control. In short, we cannot successfully address any of our problems without addressing them all. And that is exactly what the strategy we are pursuing is designed to do.

None of this will be easy. The road ahead will be long and full of hazards. But I am confident that we, as a people, have the strength and wisdom to carry out this strategy and overe this crisis. And if we do, our economy -- and our country -- will be better and stronger for it.

Thank you.