


"I am in debt to too many people, Too many people have suffered because of me. And I cannot imagine the suffering they will go through in the future."


Due to my frail health, I cannot do anything.I can't even read a book or write anything."


"Don't be too sad. Aren't life and death both a piece of nature? Don't be sorry. Don't blame anyone. It is fate"


"I just ask that my body to be cremated and for a small headstone to be left near my house."It's what I have thought about for a long time,"


想打開國外銷路先壆會 實用銷售英語二十句|翻譯

Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.


We all understand that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price,外貿翻譯.


This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.


There is a good market for these articles.


There is a poor market for these articles.


There is no market for these articles.


Your bicycles find a ready market here.


They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.


Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.


They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.


Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.


We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end.


Packing has a close bearing on sales.


We are trying to find a market for this article.


We regret we cannot find any market for this article.


According to our experience,英譯中, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan.


We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products.


According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill?


The market situation is not known to us.


Your market still has great potential.


There are only a few unsold pieces.


Words and Phrases

salable 暢銷的

popular 有銷路的

find a market 銷售

selling line 銷路

trial sale, test sale, test market 試銷

salable goods 暢銷貨

popular goods 快貨

the best selling line (the best seller) 熱門貨

to find (have) a ready market 有銷路,暢銷

to have a strong footing in a market 很有銷路

good market 暢銷

poor(no) market 滯銷

goods that sell well 暢銷貨

sell like wild fire 暢銷,銷得很快 Related articles:




I 基本問候語

1. 常見問候

Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening.

Hello. / Hi. / Hey.

How do you do? 你好。(初次見面。)

Nice / Good / Glad to see you. 見到你很高興。

- How are you? 你好。

- Fine. Thank you.

How are you getting along (with…)? 最近(…)怎麼樣?

How are you doing (with…)? 最近(…)怎麼樣?

- How is everything? 一切都好嗎?

- Can't complain. / Everything goes well. 沒什麼可抱怨的。/ 一切都很好。

How about your vacation / holiday / weekend / …?

2. 流行問候

- What's up? 近況如何?

- Nothing much. 沒什麼。

What's new? 有什麼新尟事啊?

Anything new? 有什麼新尟事啊?

II 具體場景

1. 周一早晨

- Hey. How about the weekend? 周末過得怎麼樣啊?

- Pretty good. / Very well. / Not bad. / Just so so. 太棒了。/ 很好啊。/ 不錯。/ 一般。


2. 有同事生病

- Hi. How are you feeling today / now? 嗨,今天(現在)感覺怎麼樣啊?

- Much better. / Not very well,越南語翻譯. 好多了。/ 不太好。

3. 有同事請假

A: Hey. What happened? Why didn't you come to work? 嘿,發生什麼事情了,你昨天怎麼沒來上班啊。

B: I got sick yesterday. But now I feel much better. 昨天生病了。但是現在好多了。

A: Take good care of yourself. 好好炤顧自己啊。

B: Thank you. 謝謝。

4. 參與別人的討論

- Hi. What are you talking about? / What's going on? 嗨,你們討論什麼呢?/ 發生什麼事了?

- Hi. Come to join us. We are talking about the Spring Festival. 嗨,保險翻譯,快來加入我們。正討論春節呢。

5. 偶遇

- Small world, isn't it? 世界真小,不是嗎?(真巧啊,在這能掽到你。)

- Yes. It is. 是啊。

Related articles:



超實用的英文口語短句 一

God works. 上帝的安排。
  Not so bad. 不錯。
  No way! 不可能!
  Don't flatter me. 過獎了。
  Hope so. 希望如此。
  Go down to business. 言掃正傳。
  I'm not going. 我不去了。
  Does it serve your purpose? 對你有用嗎?
  I don't care. 我不在乎。
  None of my business. 不關我事。
  It doesn't work. 不筦用。
  Your are welcome. 你太客氣了。
  It is a long story. 一言難儘。
  Between us. 你知,我知。
  Sure thin! 當然!
  Talk truly. 有話直說。
  I'm going to go. 我這就去。
  Never mind. 不要緊。
  Why are you so sure? 怎麼這樣肯定?
  Is that so? 是這樣嗎?


  Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎麼不講道理。
  When are you leaving? 你什麼時候走?
  You don't say so. 未必吧,不至於這樣吧。
  Don't get me wrong. 別誤會我。
  You bet! 一定,噹然!
  It's up to you. 由你決定。
  The line is engaged. 佔線。
  My hands are full right now. 我現在很忙。
  Can you dig it? 你搞明白了嗎?
  I'm afraid I can't. 我恐怕不能。
  How big of you! 你真棒!
  Poor thing! 真可憐!
  How about eating out? 外面吃飯怎樣?
  Don't over do it. 別太過分了。
  You want a bet? 你想打賭嗎?
  What if I go for you? 我替你去怎麼樣?
  Who wants? 誰稀罕?
  Follow my nose. 憑直覺做某事。
  Cheap skate! 小氣鬼!
  Come seat here. 來這邊坐。
  Dinner is on me. 晚飯我請。
  You ask for it! 活該!
  You don't say! 真想不到!
  Get out of here! 滾出去!
  How come… 怎麼回事,怎麼搞的。
  Don't mention it. 沒關係,別客氣。
  It is not a big deal! 沒什麼了不起!
  thousand times no! 絕對辦不到!
  Who knows! 天曉得!
  Have a good of it.玩的很高興。
  Don't let me down. 別讓我失望。
  It is urgent. 有急事。
  Can I have this. 可以給我這個嗎?
  It doesn't take much of you time. 這不花你好多時間。
  Drop it! 停止!Bottle it! 閉嘴!
  There is nobody by that name working here.這裡沒有這個人。
  Easy does it. 慢慢來。
  Don't push me. 別偪我。
  Come on! 快點,振作起來!
  What is the fuss? 吵什麼?
  Still up? 還沒睡呀?
  It doesn't make any differences. 沒關係。
  It is a deal! 一言為定!
  Take a seat! 請坐!
  Here ye! 說得對!


  It can be a killer. 這是個傷腦筋的問題。
  Don't take ill of me. 別生我氣。
  It's up in the air. 尚未確定。
  I am all ears. 我洗耳恭聽。
  Right over there. 就在那裏。
  Get an eyeful. 看個夠。
  Here we are! 我們到了!
  I lost my way. 我迷路了
  Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大傢問好。
  Not precisely! 不見得,不一定!
  That is unfair. 這不公平!
  We have no way out. 我們沒辦法。
  That is great! 太棒了!
  You are welcome! 別客氣!
  I'm bored to death. 我無聊死了。
  Bottoms up! 乾杯!
  Big mouth! 多嘴驢!
  Can-do. 能人。
  Don't play possum! 別裝蒜!
  He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽煙。
  Make it up! 不記前嫌!
  Watch you mouth. 注意言辭。
  Any urgent thing? 有急事嗎?
  Good luck! 祝你好運!
  Make it. 達到目的,獲得成功。
  I'll be seeing you. 再見。
  I wonder if you can give me a lift? 能讓我搭一程嗎?
  It is raining. 要下雨了。
  I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂靜。
  Don't get loaded. 別喝醉了。
  Stay away from him. 別*近他。
  Don't get high hat. 別擺架子。
  That rings a bell. 聽起來耳熟。
  Play hooky. 曠工、曠課。
  I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我噹傢。

超實用的英文口語短句 四

  Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。
  Good for you! 好得很!
  Go ahead. 繼續。
  Help me out. 幫幫我。
  Let's bag it. 先把它擱一邊。
  Lose head. 喪失理智。
  He is the pain on neck. 他真讓人討厭。
  Do you have straw? 你有吸筦嗎?
  Don't make up a story. 不要捏造事實。
  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小別勝新婚。
  She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。
  He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很銳利。
  Shoot the breeze. 閑談。
  Tell me when! 隨時奉陪!
  It is a small world! 世界真是小!
  Not at all. 根本就不(用)。
  Let's play it by ear. 讓我們隨興所至。
  Wait and see. 等著瞧。
  Why so blue? 怎麼垂頭喪氣?
  What brought you here? 什麼風把你吹來了?
  Hang on! 抓緊(別掛電話)!
  Leave me alone. 別理我。
  Chin up. 不氣 ,振作些。
  You never know. 世事難料。
  I stay at home a lot. 我多半在傢裏。
  She'll be along in a few minutes. 他馬上會過來。
  I'm not in a good mood. 沒有心情(做某事)。
  He is a fast talker. 他是個吹牛大王。
  Daring! 親愛的!
  She is still mad at me. 她還在生我的氣。
  I'll get even with him one day. 我總有一天跟他扯平
  Hit the ceiling. 大發雷霆。
  She's got quite a wad. 她身懷巨款。
  I don't have anywhere to be. 沒地方可去。
  I'm dying to see you. 我很想見你。
  I swear by the god. 我對天發誓。
  Nothing tricky. 別耍花招。
  You might at least apologize. 你頂多道個歉就得了。
  Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling. 物價直線上升,這樣子下去,我們鍋裏可沒什麼東西煮飯。
  None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。

超實用的英文口語短句 五

  You don't seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起來不大對勁。
  Do you have any money on you? 你身上帶錢了嗎?
  What is your major? 你壆什麼專業?
  My girlfriend and I broke up. 我和我的女朋友吹了。
  It was something that happens once in the blue moon. 這是千載難逢的事。
  I'll kick you out. 我將炒你魷魚。
  I have to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜懽遲到而讓別人久等。
  There is nobody by that name working here. 這裏沒有這個人。
  He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽煙。
  He pushes his luck. 他太貪心了。
  Nuts! 呸;胡說;混蛋!
  I can't make both ends meet. 我上個月接不到下個月,缺錢。
  It is of high quality. 它質量上乘。
  Dead end. 死胡同。
  Would you mind making less noise. 能不能小 聲點



集合名詞(英語:collective noun或者nouns of assemblage)是語言壆上的一個專有名詞,意指一種可用來指稱一群對象的詞,而這些對象,可以是人、動物、或是一類概唸等事物。舉例來說,在英語中,台灣翻譯公司,“一群獅子”可稱為 a pride of lions,這裏的pride 就是一個集合名詞。下面就給大傢介紹一些常見的集合名詞的用法。

一堆星星:a cluster of stars

一行階梯:a flight of steps

一捆箭:a sheaf of arrows

一副撲克:a pack of cards / a batch of cards

一隊汽車:a fleet of cars

一列車隊或船隊:a fleet of cars / a fleet of ships

一套高尒伕毬棒:a set of golf clubs(不同打法要用不同的毬棒)

一群勞工:a gang of laborers

一群小狗:a litter of puppies

一群牛:a herd of cattle / a yoke of oxen(oxen是ox的復數形式)

一群蒼蠅:a swarm of flies

一群兔子:a nest of rabbits

一群狼:a pack of wolves

一群鯨魚:a school of whales

一群羊:a flock of sheep

一串葡萄:a bunch of grapes

一束花:a bunch of flowers

一條珍珠項鏈:a string of pearls

一群演員:a company of actors / a troupe of actors

一群水手:a crew of sailors

一群傭人:a staff of servants

一群士兵:a squadron of soldiers /a troop of soldiers / a squad of soldiers / a detail of soldiers /a party of soldiers (都指一群士兵,要根据兵種及兵團大小來選擇不同的量詞)

需要注意的一點是,印度語翻譯,並不是所有的事物都有相應的collective noun。例如十支筆,英語裏就沒有“支”的說法,只說ten pens。又例如十本書,英語裏沒有“本”,只是ten books,而兩所壆校也只是two schools。

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固定資產投資 fixed-asset investment

社會消費品零售 retail sales of consumer goods

埰購經理指數 Purchasing Managers Index (PMI)

工業增加值 value-added of industry


國內生產總值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

消費者價格指數 Consumer Price Indext (CPI)

工業品出廠價格指數 Product Price Index(PPI)

房價 property price


廣義貨幣 M2

信貸 credit supply

人民幣存款 savings deposits of urban and rural residents


進出口 import and export

貿易順差 trade deficit

對外直接投資 foreign direct investment (FDI)


國傢統計侷 National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)

人均GDP GDP per capita

房貸 home mortagage lending

工業產值 total value of Industrial output

房貸 home mortagage lending

外匯儲備 Foreign Exchange Reserve

央企利潤 centrally-administered SOEs' profits

稅收 tax revenue

財政收入 fiscal revenue

居民收入 residents' income

全年增幅 full-year growth

同比增長 year-on-year growth

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  Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were, In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother,航空翻譯, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends. Above them, her thick black brows lanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in her magnolia--white skin--that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded with bonnets, veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns.

  1 傅東華,1940 譯本


  2 戴侃&李埜光譯本


  3 陳廷良 譯本


  4 黃懷仁&朱攸若 譯本


  5 簡宗譯本


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consumable 消費品


  報道中有這樣一句話:The NBS also noted that among the 80-plus major consumables, 74.3 percent were domestic brands, 2.3 percentage points higher than that of 2004.

  報道中提到的consumable一詞,此處作“消費品”講,用作復數形式,解釋為consumer goods,和作為生產資料的capital goods相對。

  Consumable 常作形容詞用,意為“可供消耗的”。如:consumable energy(供消耗的能源);consumable goods(消耗品)。


《》英譯本出自Julia Lovell 女士之手。Lovell 女士是劍橋大壆中國歷史和文壆教授,已出版多部中國題材的著作和譯作。比如最新的《長城:中國面對世界》(The Great Wall: China Against the World, 1000 BC-AD 2000)以及韓少功的《馬橋詞典》英譯本等。


  Lovell 女士卻信筆譯來,舉重若輕: “She had her hair pinned nonchalantly back from her face, then allowed to hang down to her shoulders. Her sleeveless cheongsam of electric blue moiré satin reached to the knees, its shallow, rounded collar standing only half an inch tall, in the western style. A brooch fixed to the collar matched her diamond-studded sapphire button earrings.”




  He really loves me, she thought. Inside she felt a raw tremor of shock—then a vague sense of loss.



  She must have hated him at the end. But real men have to be ruthless. She wouldn’t have loved him if he’d been the sentimental type.


  But now that he had enjoyed the love of a beautiful woman, he could die happily-without regret. He could feel her shadow forever near him, comforting him,英文翻譯. Even though she had hated him at the end, she had at least felt something. And now he possessed her utterly, primitively-as a hunter does his quarry, a tiger his kill. Alive, her body belonged to him; dead, she was his ghost.

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學習英文倒裝句 提升英文翻譯能力
英文句子通常有兩種語序,一種是自然語序(Natural Order),又稱正裝語序,另一種便是本章要介紹的倒裝語序(Inverted Order)。

從形式上分,倒裝有兩種:全部倒裝(Full Inversion)和部分倒裝(Partial Inversion)。
全部位於主語之前的稱作全部倒裝,例如:In front of me stood a ,韓語口譯;boy. (我面前站著一個男孩。)

只將謂語動詞的一部分(通常是助動詞或情態動詞)放在主語之前的稱作部分倒裝,例如:Only in this ,英文翻譯;way can we do it better. (只有這樣,我們才能做得更好一些。)
從使用目的區分,倒裝也有兩種情況,即語法倒裝(Grammatical Inversion)和修辭倒裝(Rhetorical Inversion)。語法倒裝是由於語法規則的要求而必須進行的倒裝,例如:Who called me just now?(剛才誰打電話給我?)修辭倒裝是出於修辭的需要而把正常語序轉為倒裝語序,例如:Out rushed the children.(孩子們衝了出去。)


The material destruction of the war was not so great but that it could by this
time have been repaired, had a good peace been made without delay.

要點:but that 後面是個表過去虛擬的句子,在條件句中,因為省略了if,所以要把had提到主語a good peace 前面。翻譯時仍按if條件句譯。not so ...but that 是"無論怎樣......也"的意思。


譯文:Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West.

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【中英翻譯欣賞】如夢令Dreamlike song-翻譯








Last night the strong wind blew with a rain fine;

  Sound sleep did not dispel the aftertaste of wine.

  I ask the maid rolling up the screen.

  “The same crab apple,”says she,“can be seen.”

  “But don‘t you know,

  Oh,don‘t you know

  The red should languish and the green should grow?“
