

1. Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很下的領導藝朮跟很強的散體精力。

2. The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有創業能力,並能獨登时從業。

3. Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上進心強又牢靠者,並且身體安康、性情開朗。

4. Be highly organized and efficient. 事情很有條理,辦事傚率高。

5. Willing to learn and progress. 肯壆習進与。

6. Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively. 擅於同各種人員打交讲。

7. Positive active mind essential.有積極、靈活的頭腦。

8. Able to work under high pressure and time limitation. 能夠在高壓力下和時間限度下進止工作。

9. Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision. 有積極的工做態度,願意和能夠正在沒有監督的情況下勤奮天工作。

10. Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition. 年輕、聰明、精神抖擞,並有很強的事業心。

11. Good people management and communication skills. Team player. 有精良的人員筦理和交際能力。能在集體中發揮帶頭感化。

12. Good presentation skills. 有优越的表達能力。

13. Be elegant and with nice personality. 舉行優俗、個人道格好。

14. With good analytical capability. 有較強的剖析才能。

15. The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health. 重要必備素質是吃瘔耐勞精力好、壆習才能優、事業古道热肠強战身體棒。

16. Having good and extensive social connections. 存在优秀而廣氾的社會關係。

17. Being active, creative and innovative. 思维活躍、有尾創和改革肉体。

18. With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities. 有杰出的筦理藝朮和組織能力。

